About Smart Campus
Izmir University of Economics is committed to “excellence in education” and therefore, Blackboard Learning Management System has been adopted as of 2015-2016 academic year. Blackboard is an internet-based learning management system designed to enhance and enrich instructional activities by enabling instructors to manage and create their course materials, assignments and exams. Blackboard facilitates student learning and enhances their engagement with the course material. It is used institutionally to supplement face-to-face courses, and/or to provide any course content for distance education courses. In addition to that, instructors can easily communicate with their students online and manage class discussions and collaborative projects using blogs, discussion boards and forums which are available on Blackboard. Students will be able to access all of these features at any time of the day via any medium with an internet connection.

Zoom is an interactive platform and virtual classroom tool that enables video conferencing and real-time online learning. Instructors and students synchronously meet in the virtual classroom through Zoom. Instructors and students access Zoom through Blackboard.

Another online platform that is used in IUE Smart Campus is Panopto. Panopto is a video platform that provides integrated video recording, screencasting, video streaming, and video content management software. Panopto allows instructors to record audio, video and their computer screen (Powerpoint or any software application) directly from their desktop. It also includes a video search engine that makes it possible to search inside videos for words mentioned by the presenter or shown on their slides. With these features, Panopto will enable students to access their class and watch the lesson live via their computer, smart phone or tablet when they are unable to attend classes. When they wish to review those subjects they haven’t fully understood in class, they will be able to locate those parts in the recordings using the software’s search engine and watch them again. Panopto is integrated with Blackboard to allow restricted access only to students within the class.

''We are a Pioneer in Technology-Equipped Education'
Dr. Esin Çağlayan, Director of the Teaching and Learning Center at Izmir University of Economics (IUE), stated that they continue ...

The only Turk in the European team is from ‘Izmir’
Aiming to guide the rapid changes in the education process due to digitalization, the European University Association (EUA) established a ...

‘Life Academy’ for children
Izmir University of Economics (IUE) Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) realized the “Hayat Akademisine İlk Adım” (First Step to Life ...

İEÜ’lü akademisyenlere ‘etkili öğretim’ eğitimi
İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi’nde (İEÜ) görev yapan 28 akademisyen, ‘etkili öğretim’ başlıklı mesleki gelişim kursunu başarıyla tamamlayarak sertifikalarını aldı. ...

IUE academics are on their way to Belgium
5 academics from Izmir University of Economics (IUE) will participate in the training program that the European Union (EU) started ...

IUE Academics are ready for distance education with Teaching and Learning Center-TLC
IUE Teaching and Learning Center (TLC - Ekoeğitim), which played a major role in the success of distance education of ...

Izmir University of Economics will steer educational technologies
Izmir University of Economics’ (IUE) adapting the technology-supported teaching approach to "distance education" with the goal of "excellence in education" ...

Distance education got full score from IUE students
Izmir University of Economics (IUE) continues to provide hassle-free distance education to its 10 thousand students with its strong technical ...